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Galley Kitchen Remodel: Should We Open It Up?

March 24th, 2021 |

When moving to a home, many people love to have the opportunity to take something old and make it new again. Home style and home design consistently change to accommodate our needs and tastes. Many old homes face the same problem, too many walls, and too many rooms. Boston is full of old spaces that weren’t designed to accommodate the needs and tastes of our ever-evolving style. 

An extremely common feature of some older homes and apartments is the galley kitchen. Originally designed to fit the limited spaces of trains and boats, the galley kitchen eventually made its way into our homes and is something that can divide people depending on their personal preference. 

Efficient or Crowded?

Although galley kitchens may not fit into the modern, open-concept homes, they do have their upside. They are meant to be an efficient use of space in homes that have limited square footage due to their narrow footprint. Because of their narrow footprint, a galley kitchen is ideal for serious cooks, they allow any chef to have everything in close proximity and allows them to be more efficient in the kitchen. They are also meant to be unseen, so definitely a plus for any messy cooks out there. 

The small space can have a downside as well. Galley kitchens are not meant to entertain, if you want your kitchen to be a place for people to hang out, a galley kitchen is not for you. They are also tough for anybody who cooks with other people, the small space can quickly become crowded and difficult to maneuver with others in the kitchen with you. 

Should You Invest in a Galley Kitchen Remodel?

So, should you open up your galley kitchen? That depends! Do you like to entertain people in your kitchen? Do you want your kitchen to be a great space for your friends and family to hang out? Then yes! Opening up your galley kitchen can be a great way to open up your house and make your kitchen a top destination for your family or friends. 

One major consideration is the size of your overall house and living space. If you were to knock down a wall and open up your galley kitchen would it open up your kitchen the way you intend? Or would it make your whole house feel like a kitchen? Keep in mind that if you typically have a messier kitchen, that will now be on display to anybody in your home. 

It’s estimated that a galley kitchen remodel can typically run $17k to $21k on average. A few factors to consider before opening up your galley kitchen includes:

  • Is the wall you want to remove a load-bearing wall? If so your project could be much more expensive, and you could have to incorporate a large beam in your kitchen. 
  • Look into other ways to make your galley appear more spacious, such as removing top cabinets. 
  • If you are ready to get an estimate on your galley kitchen remodel or just want to get some additional information, contact R.H. Blanchard today!